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Below, Toke Møller offers insight into his background, philosophy, and experiences.

I am a host of inspired space in new and different places–a flow maker–a storycatcher. I invite you to see chapter 8, titled, "We are the Ones," a story in organizations, in Christina Baldwin’s new book Storycatcher.  The book can be found at the following web address:


My work since the early '70s has been experimenting with the design and hosting of learning and self organizing processes, dialogue, conferences and network organization, project development, innovation, leadership training, renewal of the Danish educational system and human entrepreneurship leadership training (both internationally and in Scandinavia).

For 35 years I have worked with my professional competence development and personal mastery through different work, trainings and practices of self knowledge, meditation, reflection, strategic conversations, aikido, network and leadership skills as an expression of who I am professionally and as a person. During this time I have been involved in overall responsibilities for the development and organization of hundreds of international conferences, leadership trainings, learning processes and projects. I choose consciously to co-create, co-learn and cooperate with people and organizations that want to explore the possibilities of the new Knowledge and Network paradigms; the paradigms explored are those of sustainable leadership and partnerships. These are organizing as networks of living, humane systems that can create what is really meaningful and necessary in the world of today.

I consciously "invest" in the development of younger leaders, new "learning centers," and I participate actively in learning networks to remember old and find new ways that work in daily life and at the same time create space for the unfolding of the human being here and now.

My professional function is CEO of InterChange Aps, a "conversation starter," professional conference organizer, and process leader with focus on personal mastery, leadership in networks, chaordic organizing, process design, and process leadership. The leadership has taken the following forms: interactive group processes, individual, coaching, mentoring and mastering classes.

I have been a board member of the Danish Entrepreneurship Association from 1992 -1993 (Chairman of the Board from 1993 – 1997) and an active co-creator and participant in many social entrepreneurial networks through the years. I am educated in languages, business administration, organization, professional conference organizing, coaching, facilitation, and leadership and network organizing.

InterChange Aps is a not-for-profit company co-created and co-owned by Toke Paludan Møller & Monica Nissén. InterChange is dedicated to the practice, design and process leadership that allows participatory, interactive learning and transformation in small and large groups, as well as processes that strengthen the personal leadership, courage and performance of individuals. Our focus is on rehumanizing organizations by transformational learning, leadership and involvement by all stakeholders. We help give birth to communities of practice and human entrepreneurial leadership for more networked, living organizations and societies, both locally and globally. We practice personal mastery and interactive group processes as means to allow the emergence of the necessary change by courageous leadership, collective learning and action. I am a co-creator of the Flow game and the Art of Hosting.

With humility, courage
and in close cooperation with others
I am finding new ways of
learning, leading, organizing
and unfolding Life
for the benefit of all.

I challenge myself
so that the Now
and the conscious experience of Life
becomes the root of my work.

I trust Life with my life
I trust others
until the opposite becomes necessary.

When I experience
joy, generosity and clarity
I am inspired…

Looking forward to connect with you.


Here are a few of my poems:

Now is the time to awaken
Now is the time
Now is time
Now is awaken
Now is


Small beginnings
Consciousness flowing
With silent sound